The natural stone for sacred furnishings for cemeteries.
Sacred furnishings in rough stone, to celebrate the Lord. “Build there an altar of stone to the Lord your God, an altar of stones, which iron did not work. Build the altar of sacred furnishings Lord, your God, of rough stones (…) “. So we read in the Bible, in the book of Deuteronomy. It is ordered to build an altar in stone in honor of God, and moreover in rough stone (because the “iron”, that is the chisels, should not have worked. That is, the stone would not have been modified but used as it was found in nature ).
It is not a rarity: once unworked stone was deliberately used for the altars and the choice was full of symbolic value. Raw and natural stone was considered a direct emanation of God, resistant to the passage of time, never born and therefore not destined to end. Very strong and above all eternal. Furthermore, compared to natural stone, man does not notice its transformations or its slow metamorphosis: he always considers it the same, immutable.
Sacred furnishings in stone, God.
The eternity of the stone therefore becomes a symbol of the eternity of nature, of the infinite duration of man’s relationship with God. Of the persistence of the kingdom of heaven. Also in ancient times, mainly in Jewish culture, it was believed that the deity inhabited particular stones. Called “betili”, which were found in the woods or near natural sources of water or fountains. It seems that the term “betilo” really means “house of God”: sacred furnishings.

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Sacred furniture: where there is divine, there is stone.
The relationship between divinity or religion in general and stone for sacred furnishings is therefore lost in the mists of time and above all it is also widespread in several religious beliefs. From this strong bond developed the link, still very close today, between religion and stone. Sacred furnishings are sacred furnishings in fact, even today, mainly made of stone. On the contrary, new materials have practically not entered this sector, with the desire to maintain that aura of the sacred that has always existed around traditional materials.
Of course, today the stone is worked, polished, shaped according to need, while retaining that meaning of strength and durability that it has always had.

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Eternal funerary chapels with sacred furnishings.
The stone is present in a large part of the sacred furnishings, from the ecclesiastical to the cemetery. In stone altars, chapels, ambos, votive sculptures of various sizes, candle holders, tombstones, high reliefs or bas-reliefs and much more are made.
The stone cemetery chapels can take any shape you wish, in relation to the general style of the church or apse or chapel you want to build. The chapels can therefore be simpler or richer, perhaps equipped with small columns, capitals, sculptures in the round or decorations in high or low relief.

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Gravestones for cemeteries.
As for the bas-reliefs or high-reliefs, usually, the subjects required for sacred furnishings are those that have most to do with the life and death of Jesus. Then with his resurrection. But it may also happen that the client requests to retrace certain moments in the lives of the saints. To whom he can be particularly attached for a particular personal bond, or for a vote, or because he is the protector of a certain category of people.
Generally, the life of Jesus Christ is recalled in the altar slabs, where we focus on the themes of the Last Supper or Death or, again, the Resurrection. But also in the decorations of votive chapels the sacred furnishings stand out, in the front of tombstones in which reference is made, through a particular inscription, to life after death.

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Codice CC05
Architectural elements in cemeteries: sacred furnishings for cemetery.
When you choose not to enter the life of Christ, you can find, decorating the architectural elements, putti placed individually or in groups which, usually, symbolize the entry into the kingdom of God.
Whatever the subject chosen to decorate the architectural element, an accurate analysis of the sacred text of reference is always necessary, in order to better grasp the message that is intended to be placed on the stone and to create the sacred furnishings.
If the sacred stone element is to be placed inside a church, where altars or tables with a support function already exist, it is always recommended to study the existing style well and create a common thread with it. To make the religious environment a story to tell, a logical and pleasant flow of references.

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Not just altars: sacred furnishings.
But not only altars are made in stone. As we have already mentioned, a wide use of stone is made in the cemetery furniture sector. The tombstone is, for example, always made of stone. There are infinite models of tombstones, some even highly sought after and the reason is not difficult to understand. They are the last “homes” of our loved ones, or at least the places of passage, in which they will stop before eternal life. That’s why we want the best sacred furnishings for our deceased. We choose the shape that best suits him, simple or richer in decorations. An inscription that makes him understand that he will never be forgotten on earth and that he wishes for eternal salvation. We often decorate it with candle holders, candle holders, small votive statuettes. The goal is always to please our loved one and to please God. To obtain eternal life. Eternal, like stone.
Request information
La Pietra Taurina
Via S. M. Goretti 32
73056 Taurisano Lecce
P. Iva Cod. Fisc. 04044130757